Top 5 Benefits Of Getting Perimeter Pest Control

August 17, 2022

Like most homeowners, you probably want to keep your home as pest-free as possible. Unfortunately, pests can be tough to eliminate, and most pest control involves harmful chemicals for your family and pets. Perimeter pest control allows you to keep many different types of pests in control in a safe and controlled way.

This blog post will share the extended benefits of applying perimeter pest control on your property. Keep reading to learn all about it.

What’s Perimeter Pest Control?

Perimeter pest control is a type of pest management that involves the application of insecticides and other treatments around the exterior of a home or building. Perimeter pest control aims to create a barrier preventing pests from entering the structure. This method can effectively manage many common household pests, including ants, roaches, and spiders.

Additionally, perimeter pest control can help minimize the risk of pests spreading diseases to humans. Exterior barrier treatment is one of the most common methods of perimeter pest control. In some cases, exterior barrier treatments may also include baits and traps to reduce pests around your property.

Here Are Some Benefits Of Perimeter Pest Control

Many benefits come with using a perimeter pest control application around your home. Here are the top 5 benefits:

Keep Unwanted Pests At Bay

This benefit is the most obvious of perimeter pest control. Creating a barrier around your home can help keep pests from ever entering, saving you a lot of time, money, and stress in the long run.

Offers Season-Long Pest Control

Another great benefit of perimeter pest control is that the applications provide season-long control. You won’t have to worry about reapplying for the treatment every few weeks. This can save you time and money in the long run.

It Isn’t Harmful To Soil, Flowers, Bushes, Or Lawns

Another benefit of perimeter pest control is that it isn’t harmful to soil, flowers, bushes, or lawns. This means you can feel good about using this treatment around your home without worrying about harming the environment.

Effective Insect Control

Perimeter pest control can help to control many different types of insects. They include common household pests like ants, roaches, and spiders. Additionally, perimeter pest control can help manage more rare and dangerous pests like termites and bedbugs.

Outdoor Application, Indoor Satisfaction

One of the best benefits of perimeter pest control is that the application takes place outdoors. You won’t have to worry about insecticides in your home or around your family and pets.

Schedule A Perimeter Pest Control Appointment With 1st Choice Pest Solutions

If you’re looking for residential pest control that will create an exterior barrier to keep pests out, look no further than 1st Choice Pest Solutions. Our experienced technicians will work with you to customize a treatment plan that meets your specific needs. We’ll provide prompt, professional service that is always backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

At 1st Choice Pest Solutions, we understand that pests can be more than just a nuisance- they can seriously threaten your health and property. That’s why we offer comprehensive exterior barrier treatments. Don’t wait until pests become a problem- schedule your perimeter pest control appointment with 1st Choice Pest Solutions today.


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